Monday, August 12, 2013

GhastyGhasto Zombie Juicer Apk v0.01 Full Version

GhastyGhasto Zombie Juicer Apk v0.01 Full Version download free android app

GhastyGhasto Zombie Juicer Apk v0.01 Full Version download free android app
GhastyGhasto Zombie Juicer Apk v0.01 Full Version download free android app

Book 2 of Ghasty and Ghasto's android "A-nether Minecraft adventure." series by ZombieChickenTaco.
a kickstarting kickstarter app for our adoring squawkers.. our fans.
In this Book we are experimenting and expanding upon the touch slicer style games similar to fruit ninja.
This is a quick app giving you, (our fan) a way to donate while we develop bigger titles.
It helps us expand our software licencing and pay costs associated with developing.
It helps us with near real-time feedback on a game style, idea or changes.
It helps hire talented people so we can give you bigger and better games sooner.
This reduces costs so we aren't forced to follow the "PAY TO PLAY" and "FREEMIUM" Market trends.
We don't like games that make you wait, or spam your friends to support your game time.
We are not in a mindset of forcing you to do anything except be a part of, and enjoy the content we like showing off.
We are against intrusive advertising.
We are not driven by greed to become, super wealthy.
We have dedicated our time and our lives to developing fun experiences, and have made this our profession.
We love to know what you think... If you don't like it, tell us. If you find a bug, tell us.
If your aim is trolling comments, be forewarned, we don't feed trolls, we eat them.

Source :

Download : APK

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